Come, Listen to the Words of My God and Your God, My Father and Your Father

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They say confession is good for the soul but true confession is but a part of the act of repentance. The other part is to forsake evil in all its forms and to seek only that which is good.

Part of confession is the act of prayer. For repentance to work we must ask God for forgiveness. Forgiveness is not automatic; it requires action.

As Christians we should pray to the Farther in the name of the Son. Praying to Jesus will avail you nothing. Asking something of your brother will get you nothing from your father. So it is when we pray. Ask God, our Father which art in Heaven, those things which are in your heart and whatsoever you shall ask of the Father in the name of Jesus the Christ, He may give it to you. The keywords here is "may give."

Are you worthy to receive that which God may give you? Faith without action is dead. We must forsake evil to be forgiven or our request for repentance will not be granted. You cannot ask for forgiveness of sins and continue therein. It does not work that way.

So come before the God, the Father of all, in mighty prayer confessing your sins and begging for His forgiveness. If you are sincere, you will find that which you seek, and be given that for which you asked.